About Dr. Larry Cole

Dr. Larry Cole"My uncle was the first chiropractor in our family. I knew early on that I wanted to be in the medical field but wasn’t sure which direction to take. I went to medical school for a short time after serving in Vietnam.

It made me realize I wanted to move toward a more natural way of helping people. The philosophy of chiropractic made a lot of sense to me. Since the brain controls the body, the healing process starts from within not the outside. I decided to become a chiropractor."

About Dr. Larry Cole

After serving in Vietnam, Dr. Larry Cole went on to enroll in Palmer Chiropractic College and graduated in 1973. There's an old saying that Palmer is to chiropractic as Harvard is to medicine, and Palmer is where it all began. Dr. Cole did his Post Graduate work at the Spine Research Institute of San Diego, CA and performed extensive research regarding sleep and the musculoskeletal system, and has received various honors for his work.

After over 40 years in practice, Dr. Larry has seen countless people get well by realigning the spine so the body can heal. He maintains memberships in several organizations to stay informed on the latest in chiropractic and health including  the International Chiropractic Association, the Palmer College of Chiropractic Alumni Association, the American Chiropractic Association, the Tennessee Chiropractic Association, and the Eagle Society.

Back Talk

In the 1990's, Dr. Cole had a radio show called Back Talk. The purpose of the radio show was to educate the community on the benefits of chiropractic care and overall natural health. Back Talk was the #1 weekend talk show in Memphis, TN for several years.

Dr. Cole's first invention

In 2004, Dr. Cole developed and patented the SideSleeper Pro Pillow to reduce spinal twisting in order to alleviate neck and back pain, and reduce snoring by positioning the head and neck in a way that opens up the air passageways for a more restful night's sleep. The Side Sleeper pillow was an instant hit with consumers and sold millions of units through TV, online, and in retail stores world-wide.

Personal Life

Dr. Larry is married to his wonderful wife, Lynda. They have five children and five grandchildren. Their hobbies include traveling, boating, fishing, golfing and living life to the fullest with each other. They are members and supporters of a local church and hold membership in The Exchange Club of America.